Datasource - For Switzerland: IQVIATM Sales Data (Sell-In) from pharmaceutical industries to
public pharmacies, self-dispensing physicians and hospitals; For other countries: Antimicrobial consumption database (ESAC-Net). Data may be adjusted retrospectively and may therefore differ from previously published data.
Datasource - For Switzerland: IQVIATM Sales Data (Sell-In) from pharmaceutical industries to
public pharmacies, self-dispensing physicians and hospitals; For other countries: Antimicrobial consumption database (ESAC-Net). Data may be adjusted retrospectively and may therefore differ from previously published data.
ESAC-Net Dataset & IQVIATM Dataset The data in this interactive graph are from the ESAC-Net [1] for Europe and the data for Switzerland were calculated using IQVIA TM data. For Switzerland, the data
were collected on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health via the IQVIATM database, which provides pharmaceutical sales data (Sell-In). This comprehensive
dataset includes antibacterial sales by the pharmaceutical industry to pharmacies and self-dispensing physicians (channels: APO/SD) and to hospitals (channel: SPI).
ESAC-Net is a Europe-wide network of national surveillance systems that provides European reference data on antimicrobial consumption. ESAC-Net collects and
analyses data on antimicrobial consumption in EU and EEA countries, both in the general population and in the hospital sector.
The bar chart shows the antibiotic consumption (ATC group J01) by country (expressed as DDD per 1'000 inhabitants per day) for the selected year. The data for Switzerland are
additionally split per linguistic region. The value for "EU/EEA" is the mean value for all countries participating in ESAC-Net. You can choose for which setting (outpatient/ inpatient) the data should be
The line chart shows the antibiotic consumption (ATC group J01) over time for the selected channel(s).The data for Switzerland are
additionally split per linguistic region. The value for "EU/EEA" is the mean value for all countries participating in ESAC-Net. You can choose for which setting (outpatient/ inpatient) the data should be
[1] Data available from: Data extracted on 23.12.2023.